• 9:00AM – 9:00PM every day, besides nationally observed holidays.

  • 29 Beardsley Road, Michigan 48846

  • Yes!

  • Yes. However, you MUST carry a state issued ID, plus a state issued marijuana registry card.

  • No. Under no circumstances are children allowed in the Arcanna facility.

  • You must always have on your person your state issued ID, state issued Marijuana Registry card, and a healthy appetite for Arcanna top shelf cannabis!

  • Our Provisioning Center does not provide wholesale for other stores, however our Processing and Cultivation facilities both supply the entire state of Michigan with all the best products.

  • ALL medical marijuana products available to patients at Arcanna have been screened by a state licensed testing facility. If its on our shelf, it has been proven fresh, clean and POTENT!

  • Yes. There is a limit.
    • 2.5 oz. per day, per patient or 10 oz. per month, per patient.
    Edibles and tinctures are accounted for using a conversion chart available online at: http://www.michigan.gov/lara
    Arcanna will help guide you in staying within your limits so you are never out of compliance!
  • All marijuana products MUST be stored and transported in a manner inaccessible to the driver of the vehicle. This means in the trunk, in a locked case. We always recommend strict adherence to this guideline.